In this article we will cover how to import and setup a profile in InfoPanel.
Step 1 - Download a profile
The first thing you need is a profile to import.
For the sake of this article we will download “The Forever Winter” profile from this site.
Before you download any profiles from (or any other place), please make sure that the profile fits your display resolution. Some or most profiles are made to fit for a specific resolution and orientation.
Once you have downloaded the file, extract the contents and make sure to install the required font. Most profiles from include the font file in the download. Right click the font file and choose “Install for all users” to install the font.
If the font is not included with the download you need to obtain the font your self. It should tell you in the item description the name of the font. Find, download and install the font before you proceed. If you are missing the font, InfoPanel will revert to a default font and text will not be correct. If you install the font after importing the profile you might have to either delete and reimport the profile, or change the font for every text item in the profile.
Step 2 - Import the profile
If InfoPanel is not already running start the app and go to the “Profiles” page and click on “Import Profile”.

Locate the folder where you extracted the downloaded archive and select the profile file and click “open”:

The profile is now imported and activated:

Step 2 - Customize the profile for your hardware
In most cases after importing a profile you will have to customize the sensors to fit with your specific hardware.
To do this, click on the “Design” icon on the left menu in InfoPanel and it take you to the, yeah, design page.

This page might look intimidating, but it is all pretty easy and straight forward. We wont cover all the features in this article since we are doing the basics, but we will cover all the different features in another article.
Looking at your imported panel, you will see some items with a “ - ” and this are the sensor items we have to reconfigure.

Profiles made byt us here at are usually organized and easy to understand.
Starting from the the top going dow, the first sensor we need to change is the "VRAM FREE", so find Free Video Memory in the Panel Item list and select it:

Next we need to find the value we want to replace with in the left panel of the app, so we navigate to “Libre” and find GPU Memory Free in the list, select the sensor and click on the orange “Replace” button:

This will populate the missing field in the profile and you should see the value on your profile view.
IMPORTANT! Make it a habit to SAVE your changes after every change you do! This way you wont loose any changes you have made to the profile if the app crash or something else happens!

Now we need to repeat this process for all the other missing items, so we continue going down the Panel Items list.
Going down the list we find our system memory (RAM usage) and we need to change that to, so we replace the correct values, but as you can see in this screenshot

The unit is pretty close to the value, so we need to add a space between them. To to this we select the item from the Panel Item list and in the field “Override Unit” we simply add a blank space before the GB:

As soon as you click out of the filed the change should instantly show on your profile view:

Continue with this process for each item you need. And again remember to SAVE after making a change!
After you have gone trough and replaced all the values you need, you are done!
You now know how to import a profile and customize it's values to fit your hardware. In other articles we will go trough the more advanced features of InfoPanel and how to make your own unique profile from start to finish.
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